- LSTbook::AAUP1984 salaries in various professional fields
- LSTbook::Anthro_FAnthropometric data from college-aged women
- LSTbook::BigShort, simple data frames for textbook examples
- LSTbook::BirdkeepersBirdkeeping and Lung Cancer
- LSTbook::Births2022Records on births in the US in 2022
- LSTbook::Boston_marathonWinning times in the Boston Marathon
- LSTbook::ButterflyWorld records in the 100 & 200 m butterfly swim
- LSTbook::CRDSSmoking and lung function among youths
- LSTbook::Calif_precipAnnual precipitation in California locations
- LSTbook::CallbackResume Experiment Data
- LSTbook::Clock_auctionData from McClave-Sincich _Statistics_ 11/e
- LSTbook::DowsingData from McClave-Sincich _Statistics_ 11/e
- LSTbook::Econ_outlook_pollSIMULATED data from an economic outlook poll
- LSTbook::FARSAnnual summaries concerning motor-vehicle related fatalities in the US#'
- LSTbook::FraminghamData from the Framingham heart study
- LSTbook::Geography_journalsData from McClave-Sincich _Statistics_ 11/e
- LSTbook::Germany1933voteVoting patterns in the 1933 German national election
- LSTbook::GilbertData from the trial of serial killer Kristen Gilbert
- LSTbook::Go_voteGet out the vote experiment
- LSTbook::GradepointSample from a college registrar's database
- LSTbook::GradesSample from a college registrar's database
- LSTbook::Hill_racingWinning times in Scottish Hill races, 2005-2017
- LSTbook::MPGFuel economy measurements on US car models
- LSTbook::McCredie_Kurtz"Big Five" personality ratings for college first-year students
- LSTbook::Monocacy_riverData on run-off from the Monocacy river at Jug Bridge, Maryland.
- LSTbook::Names_and_raceResume Experiment Data
- LSTbook::Natality_2014Medical info on each birth in the US in 2014
- LSTbook::NatsShort, simple data frames for textbook examples
- LSTbook::OffspringRelative sizes offspring/parent for many species
- LSTbook::OringsSpace Shuttle O-Ring Failures
- LSTbook::PGA_indexData from McClave-Sincich _Statistics_ 11/e
- LSTbook::PIDDPima Indians Diabetes Database
- LSTbook::PenguinsBody measurements on penguins
- LSTbook::STARSTAR Project Data
- LSTbook::SessionsSample from a college registrar's database
- LSTbook::Shipping_lossesShipping losses in 1941 in the Atlantic
- LSTbook::TinyShort, simple data frames for textbook examples
- LSTbook::UCB_applicantsRoster of applicants to six major departments at UC Berkeley
- LSTbook::US_wildfiresMonthly tallies of wildfires in the US from 2000 to 2022
- LSTbook::WheatExperimental data on the yield of winter wheat
- LSTbook::sim_00Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
- LSTbook::sim_01Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
- LSTbook::sim_02Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
- LSTbook::sim_03Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
- LSTbook::sim_04Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
- LSTbook::sim_05Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
- LSTbook::sim_06Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
- LSTbook::sim_07Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
- LSTbook::sim_08Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
- LSTbook::sim_09Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
- LSTbook::sim_10Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
- LSTbook::sim_11Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
- LSTbook::sim_12Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
- LSTbook::sim_flightsSimulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
- LSTbook::sim_medical_observationsSimulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
- LSTbook::sim_prob_21.1Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
- LSTbook::sim_satgpaSimulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
- LSTbook::sim_school1Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
- LSTbook::sim_school2Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
- LSTbook::sim_vaccineSimulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
- mosaicCalc::Anchorage_tideTide levels from the US NOAA
- mosaicCalc::AquamanBox office from the movie Aquaman
- mosaicCalc::Blob1Shapes used in moment of inertia calculations
- mosaicCalc::Blob2Shapes used in moment of inertia calculations
- mosaicCalc::Blob3Shapes used in moment of inertia calculations
- mosaicCalc::Blob4Shapes used in moment of inertia calculations
- mosaicCalc::Body_fatMeasurements of body-fat percentage and related quantities
- mosaicCalc::Boyle
- mosaicCalc::CPUsCharacteristics of computer central processing unit chips over the decades
- mosaicCalc::CelloShort recordings of a cello and a violin
- mosaicCalc::Cello_segShort recordings of a cello and a violin
- mosaicCalc::ChirpsCricket chirp rate and temperature
- mosaicCalc::Covid_USCOVID data from the first half of the pandemic
- mosaicCalc::EbolaAllCase numbers in an Ebola outbreak in 2014
- mosaicCalc::EbolaGuineaCase numbers in an Ebola outbreak in 2014
- mosaicCalc::Ee_soundRecordings of vowel sounds
- mosaicCalc::Effective_oxygenEffective amount of oxygen available at different altitudes
- mosaicCalc::EnginesCharacteristics of various internal combustion engines
- mosaicCalc::Fly_ballTrajectory of a fly ball in baseball
- mosaicCalc::HDD_MinneapolisHeating degree days in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
- mosaicCalc::Home_utilitiesGas and electricity usage by a home in St. Paul, MN
- mosaicCalc::KeplerKepler's calculation of the position of Mars
- mosaicCalc::M2014FMortality versus age for females in the US in 2014
- mosaicCalc::Oh_soundRecordings of vowel sounds
- mosaicCalc::Planet_solarSolar irradiance of the planets
- mosaicCalc::PlanetsNASA data on planets
- mosaicCalc::RI_tideTide levels from the US NOAA
- mosaicCalc::Robot_stationsWaypoints on the path of a fictitious robot
- mosaicCalc::RunnersRunning times
- mosaicCalc::SSA_2007US Mortality table from 2007
- mosaicCalc::UK_GDPGross Domestic Product of the United Kingdom over a millenium
- mosaicCalc::US_incomeIncome distribution data from the US in 2009
- mosaicCalc::ViolinShort recordings of a cello and a violin
- mosaicCalc::Violin_segShort recordings of a cello and a violin
- mosaicCalc::Vowel_eeRecordings of vowel sounds
- mosaicCalc::Vowel_ohRecordings of vowel sounds
- mosaicCalc::World_oilYearly production of oil, globally